Hi, I’m Joanna
I founded the first Virtual Assistant service for the health and wellness industry many moons ago. As a VA I worked with Nutritionists, Naturopaths, Health Coaches, GP Practices, Personal Trainers and more.
I loved working for an industry that promotes health and happiness.
Do you want to become a Virtual Assistant?
Becoming a Virtual Assistant is the ultimate career booster. You will be taken out of your comfort zone, meet new people, learn new skills, and become more confident.
I have been a Virtual Assistant full time, part time and casually throughout the years.
It’s been a role I have learnt so much from. Who knew I could create a website from scratch? That I could implement a marketing campaign and set up newsletters? I learnt all these skills on the job.
I’ve also learnt how to run a small business – how to market my services, manage a small budget and ask to be paid what I’m worth.
Sure, I could have developed some of these skills staying in my cushy human resources job. But, becoming a freelancer projected me forward, creating a work-life balance on my own terms, a future full of new possibilities, and the courage to try them.
With The Healthy VA book and blog you can learn all there is to starting a Virtual Assistant business, how to niche, develop a freelance portfolio and find work in the health and wellness space.