The Healthy VA

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6 Essential Online Tools To Work From Anywhere


Google Drive offers online storage space and the ability to create documents and spreadsheets (automatically saved online, rather than desktop), which you can share with others.

My Google Drive account contains all client contracts, processes and procedures, social media graphics, presentations, client work etc, which I can access from my laptop and phone wherever I connect to the internet.


Buffer & Meet Edgar are my preferred social media management tools (I've tried Hootsuite but these programs are much better in my opinion).

When working from a different location to your target audience, scheduling social media posts in advances with these tools means you can connect to the market at the right time, in the right time zone.


Email autoresponders offer a way to set clear boundaries for email responses, particulary if you're likely to be delayed while travelling.  

Best practice is to keep autoreplies short and straight to the point.


For scheduling client appointments I use Acuity Scheduling which integrates with Google Calendar (another essential business tool). It automatically displays the users time zone so both parties have the correct time and date for the appointment.


I believe Zoom is the best way to meet and speak to clients online. No more extortionate roaming charges! 

Why not Skype? I find the connection to overseas clients tends to be better using Zoom.

Why not Google Hangouts? Same as above and I also like to record my Zoom chats, especially if I'm providing live demos on screen.


You can't run a successful business alone, especially if you want the freedom to travel and work from anywhere.

Having a Virtual Assistant helps to ensure your level of client support is still top notch, even though if you're on the other side of the world!